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For Undergraduate degree students, typically, over 80% of undergraduate students choose to pursue graduate degrees after graduation. Around 50-60% of students are admitted into M.S. and Ph.D. programs at top Chinese universities and around 20-30% pursue higher degrees abroad.CUES graduates have been widely recruited by some of the world`s top universities, such as Harvard, MIT, Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, Princeton, Yale, Duke, University of California, Berkeley, etc.



For Graduate Student Career placement, the CUES program attracts the most promising scholars and provides these students with high quality, academic training. The majority of Ph.D. students choose to continue their post-doctoral study or pursue careers in academia at universities and research institutes. One recent example of CUES career placement is Mr. Yang Yu, a 2010 PhD graduate, who accepted a post-doctoral position at Yale University and secured a tenure track position in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Nevada early this year. Others are employed in business or government agencies. The placements of all graduate students who have received their M.S. degrees or Ph.D.
